Price comparison professionals since 1995

Price and assortment surveys

A pricing policy which is optimally adjusted to the market, is one of the factors for success in the marketing mix. Price surveys and price comparisons provide important and valuable information in this regard. We have specialised in price surveys and price comparisons in the Swiss retail trade for over 20 years.

The retail prices of your competitors are constantly monitored, so that you can have an accurate overview of the market. You receive detailed information about your pricing policy: Are the desired price gaps being maintained? Are any of your competitors adversely undercutting prices? Are there opportunities to increase prices or to improve margins? You have a systematic and continuously updated overview of all price developments. This will enable you to respond to changes quickly, e.g. when competitors lower their prices.

Visual charts of the results help you to grasp the current market situation quickly.

Why with us:

  • We survey over 330,000 items every year! That makes us No. 1 in Switzerland!

  • We work with over 100 experienced price lifters in all parts of Switzerland.

  • We use our own proprietary Lp-Price-Comparison-Application© to present the results of price surveys. The web application also enables us, to manage the price surveys efficiently and quickly. The quality assurance controls built into the application, ensure high quality and precise results.

  • We can provide you with these analyses and reports very quickly once the survey is completed. It only takes a few clicks to access the information.

  • You can of course download all the results and analytics charts in the application or as an Excel file.

  • The analyses and reports are tailored to your specific needs by our IT experts.

  • A picture speaks louder than a thousand words. That's why we integrate high-resolution photos of products, such as competing items, into our web application upon request.

More information?

Request the Lp Price and assortment surveys factsheet now and benefit from a first, non-binding consultation.

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